Sound Clips:
These are entire songs, so the MP3s are somewhat big. In order to listen to the Real Audio files, you need a Real Audio Player. In order to listen to the mp3 files, you need Winamp, and if the MP3s sounds all messed up, like they went through a computer blender, you need this thing, Uncook. Just click on the song title to download the file, for the MP3s, you may have to hold the shift key while you click.

Song Title: From? Size:
Ministry of Deception Fractured Theology 3" CD 0.8 megs
Facade The Ruins of Eden CD 1.4 megs
Sentencing The Ruins of Eden CD 1.3 megs

Real Audio:
Song Title: From? Size:
Ministry of Deception Fractured Theology 3" CD 0.3 megs
Facade The Ruins of Eden CD 0.3 megs

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Last updated on Thursday, March 04, 1999.